Monday, January 17, 2011

GREAT SX20is!!!

 I just purchased the new SX30is a few days ago and put it up against my SX20is I’ve owned for 8 months now. I took dozens of shots with both cameras on the same subjects in various ranges and lighting conditions.

 With both cameras on equal settings (auto or programmable manual) the SX20is won in picture color reproduction quality and fine detail.  It seemed he SX30 is had trouble dealing with red / burgandy colors (making them look more light/dark brown) and greens (making them lighter in the pics than they really are).  Yes, the effective zoom is greater than the SX20is, BUT only slightly.  Surprisingly, photos from the SX20is at 80X digital zoom were croppped and enlarged to compare with anything the SX30is had to over from 35X-140X and STILL the color and detail quality was better in the SX20is shots. 

  Suffice to say, I didn’t have a chance to try out the HD video.  At that point, poorer image quality at a premium price had me itching to return the new SX30is for a full refund.

  The SX30is has since been returned and now I hold a greater appreciation for my SX20is!


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