Sunday, January 16, 2011

So much potential

I had hoped this camera would complement my 50D as a super-zoom for outdoor shooting. The lens range on this camera is amazing. I wish the photos were better...especially in marginal (overcast sky) lighting...surprisingly grainy. I've had this camera for about a month and found the following flaws too hard to live with:
- Camera is somewhat hard to hold and some buttons are encumbered by the neck strap.
- No thread for have to buy an adapter.
- No remote control capability...I've not been able to find any such feature.
- Slow response time between shots.
- Does not produce 1080p video.
- CCD based...good for video but poor low light performance.
The differences in the 14+ Mpixel images between the SX30IS and the 50D are way too significant. I was hoping image quality would be somewhat close; thus, mixing similar photos between the cameras would result in marginal differences. I hope Canon fixes these problems in the next SX release. Again, the range of the lens is absolutely amazing.

I took three cameras (all Canons...50D, SD940IS and SX30IS) to Italy and compared results. My tiny SD940IS worked wonders in all modes to include Auto...not true for SX30IS...great results all around for the 50D. In fact, the SD940IS performed incredibly well in low light conditions. Indoor photos taken inside the Duomo (cathedral next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa) on a snowy overcast day produced results on SD940IS that almost kept up with my 50D. The SX30IS' photos were darker, grainy and somewhat blurry. I tested the SX30IS and SD940IS in both Auto and P modes...great results almost all the time on SD940IS; not true for SX30IS. The SX30IS auto mode couldn't find a consistent shooting mode and were confused by the faces found on the statues and frescoes. I'm dropping the rating to 2 stars (from 3). If the zoom range wasn't there then I'd give it just 1 star.

BTW, another missing feature: GPS. The camera is pretty bulky; thus, I'm sure Canon could have included a small GPS receiver. In fact, carrying this camera was almost as much a challenge as carrying my SLR. In fact, this camera takes up almost all the space inside my Canon Rebel XTi case...surprisingly large.

One final note: I've been a Canon fan for some 25 years now. This camera along with the T80 were the only disappointing Canons I've purchased over the years.

BY:W. Joo


Anonymous said...

Comparing the Sx30is to the 50D is really unfair. The sensor on the Sx30is is so tiny and the pixels so packed that you have to understand the camera to get the best results. Firstly forget that the camera has an auto mode. It just plain doesn't work.Its an acknowledged fact with owners and reviewers alike. Next get an external flash. The low light performance of ANY super zoom camera (unless it has a BSI sensor) is poor. That is because the sensor is so small. BSI sensors are great for low light but they lack the ability to produce much detail.

So why purchase the Sx30? If you are a nature photographer its a go to camera. If you shoot with it enough, you would get to know it. And, to know it is to love it.

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